
Conmac mac Fergusa

  • (agents)
eponymous ancestor figure for the Conmaicne, listed (along with Ciar and Corc) as a son of Fergus mac Róich in Cóir anmann, which also gives his name as Cú and Lugaid Conmac.

See also: Conmaicne
Conmaicne, Conmhaicne
Early Irish population group, including branches such as the Conmaicne Dúine Móir (alias C. Ceniúil/Cenéoil Dubáin), Conmaicne Cúile (Tolad) and the Conmaicne Réin.

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Fergus mac Róich
Fergus mac Róich
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
warrior in tales of the Ulster Cycle; former king of Ulster in exile in Connacht; Medb’s lover

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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2016